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"As for the rest of my young friends, especially you five who honored me by asking me to be your Confirmation sponsor, do your best in school, too. Life has so much to offer and the more you learn, the more options and chances you have. Knowledge is awesome. Think about it. When you go somewhere new for the first time, it can be an intimidating experience. But if you step out, and learn and explore where you find yourself, new worlds become yours. Our favorite place to go is Cayman Island—that’s our little piece of heaven on earth and soon I’ll be there in spirit while the rest of my family is swimming with stingrays, snorkeling with barracudas (Kelly, you stay close to Dad’s side!) and watching the most beautiful sunsets. Never stop learning, guys---doing well in school will lead you to your own piece of heaven on earth, too."


From the letter Karen wrote for her Memorial Mass

"My life has been great and that is the lesson I leave my children and my friends. Waking up each day, it’s up to us to find the good and the joyful, even when it is not easy to be happy. Tommy says it may not come right up to our doorstep, but we can find the goodness if we look."


From the letter Karen wrote for the program of her Memorial Mass, 8/28/2001

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