Karen was a devoted wife and mother, a loving daughter and sister, and a caring friend. In her 38 years of life, Karen exulted in the presence of her loved ones and exalted all who surrounded her to new levels of love in action.
"And Mom, I've said this for years and I hope you’ll believe it tonight. The strength I have came from you because of your unconditional love. You and Dad showered me with so many compliments and praise, that I felt I could do anything. Thank you for that. You’re the best."
"My life has been great and that is the lesson I leave my children and my friends. Waking up each day, it’s up to us to find the good and the joyful, even when it is not easy to be happy. Tommy says it may not come right up to our doorstep, but we can find the goodness if we look."
"Tom has made my life a fairy tale for the last 17 years."
From the letter Karen wrote that Susan read at her Memorial Mass, 8/28/2001
Prayer for My Friends
O Lord Jesus, give my friends
Hearts to love you always.
Bless each with
A will to choose you,
A memory to recall you,
A mind to think of you,
A soul always united to you.
And may you, the God of compassion
And mercy, love and protect them
Now and forever. Amen
"It's true that a cancer diagnosis changes your life. Things slow down dramatically and suddenly you find the time to watch the kids play in the yard, take that bike ride, or appreciate the beauty of the sunset.
"As for my dear sisters, Tom’s sisters, and my brother, Pete, I can’t imagine another family who could have more lovingly stepped in to help me as you did. I know your love will continue to surround Tom and my children. Thank you for that comfort."
Choose to be happy. Look for the good. Surround yourself with those you love—and smile.